Baltic Hub

Poland’s largest and fastest-growing container terminal neededsupport in terms of services: intra- and online.

Web Service
External communications and logistics

Baltic Hub, Poland’s largest and fastest-growing container terminal and the only deepwater terminal in the Baltic Sea region. Our task consisted of refreshing the layout – in accordance with users’ needs and the specifics of the terminal’s operations – and programming efforts, including numerous integrations with the client’s internal systems.

The new Baltic Hub website is not only an information platform, but also a tool for effective logistics management and communication with customers and drivers. This was made possible by the site’s main functionalities: displaying information on ships that are currently at the quay, checking
containers, a train calendar or a ship calendar

With its refreshed design, integrations with internal systems and division into dedicated sections, the service is a key element in Baltic Hub’s operations, underscoring its role as a leader in the Baltic Sea container terminal industry.

Intranet. IT in internal communications

With the completion of the conceptual work on, the client has entrusted us with the implementation of the Intranet. The site is to be a new version – visual and functional – of the Intranet previously used by the company’s employees. Among the key functionalities are a calendar of events, an extensive address book, an interactive organization structure, a forum for the company’s employees, and even an up-to-date menu for the employee canteen.

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